Saturday, August 10, 2013

Actuarial Resources

Top Universities for

Actuarial Science Program

This page shows you where to study for an Actuarial Science Program in college. You will find a brief list of most North America universities and colleges which provide this prestigious program.

Abilene Christian University
Ruby Rutherford – Senior Administrative
Arizona State University, Tempe
Don Jones – Director of Undergraduate Studies

Armstrong Atlantic State University
Lorrie Hoffman – Professor and Head

Ball State University
W. Bart Frye – Assistant Professor

Beloit College
Paul Campbell – Professor

Benedictine University
Jeremy Nadolski – Assistant Professor

Bentley College
Lucy Kimball – Associate Professor

Binghamton University
Miguel Arcones – Professor

Bob Jones University
Dr. Gary Guthrie – Chairman of Mathematical Science

Boston University
Ms. Lois K. Horwitz – Department Contact
Actuarial Science Website
Brigham Young University
Bruce Collings – Professor

Bryant University
Phyllis Schumacher – Professor/Chair

Should You Study Actuarial Science?

If you are in two minds about studying actuarial science in college, or if you are not certain about continuing pursuing this profession, this blog is for you! You will learn who should study actuarial science, why should you study it, how to study it, and where to study it. First and foremost, I will start out by giving you an introduction to actuarial science.

What is Actuarial Science?

Actuarial science is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance and finance industries. It includes a number of interrelating subjects, including probability, mathematics, statistics, finance, economics, and computer programming. Historically, actuarial science used deterministic models in the construction of tables and premiums.

One Crucial Point!

Studying actuarial science cannot make you an actuary, only passing all actuarial professional exams does. Actuarial science is just a course in college to prepare you to sit for all the professional paper.

Who Should Study It?

As you explore this page, you will learn about who should study actuarial science and know whether you are suitable for this course. Generally, a person who has the following characteristics is ideal for this course.

1. Likes Number

Actuarial Science is a very comprehensive course in the way that it covers Mathematics, Finance, Economics, Accounting, Business Models, Computer Programming and Risk Management. As such, a high aptitude in Mathematics is highly required. To start up the course, you will first need to learn Calculus, Statistics, Probability, and Financial Mathematics at the early stage. Then you will need this fundamental Mathematical knowledge to solve complex actuarial problems. So if you do not like numbers or are not number sensitive, this course is definitely not for you.